March 14, 2007

March Madness

It's tough to convince a bunch of chemistry grad students that a NCAA bracket is a good idea, even for a small amount of money. Are grad students a bunch of squares? Well, there is one bracket racket going on in the department, but the buy in is a six pack of beer, and really, who wants to win 40 six-packs of low quality beer? Someone who wants to throw a low quality party, that's who. And although I'm not so out of touch with normal society as to not want to participate, there is also enough square in me to not want to play for what is essentially the right to host a drunken frat party with all of my not so square friends.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We already have 40 bottles of low-quality beer in our fridge! I think the buy in should be a lottery scratch off ticket and then the winner of the bracket gets all the scratch-off tickets AND whatever winnings they prooduce.