April 20, 2007

Long time, no work

Sorry to disappoint the many many fans who I know attentively watch this blog on a daily basis. The promising reaction I spoke of nearly a month ago now? No crystals, just some gummy crap at the bottom of the vial. Where has our fearless author been this past month? Well, for the first part of it I was feverishly working on a research proposal project as a requirement for staying in the graduate program. The proposal outlines the synthetic plan necessary to synthesize Moebius molecules. I rendered a computer simulation of the molecule for the conclusion, and I've included it here. Obviously its not going to really look red and blue, thats just the coloring used to define the rails and rungs of the Moebius strip. I haven't gotten much feedback on the proposal yet from my committee, but I figure that no news is good news in this particular case. Professor Heller did at least acknowledge it and said he liked the proposal. Good enough for me.

So that covers the first two weeks of my absence, the last two weeks have been spent feverishly preparing for group meeting which I gave yesterday. Mostly this was spent trying to scrape together some results in the wee bit of time I had left in between finishing the proposal and giving the group meeting presentation. All in all I thought it went rather well, and now its time to settle back into some solid, non-feverishly done research.

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