May 3, 2007

sash troubles

The cable which supports the counter weight for the sash on my fume hood snapped yesterday. This is a minor inconvenience compared to the other myriad of poor fortune which has befallen the lab in the last week. My Schlenk line is going to the glassblower on Tuesday (hopefully it will be in tip top condition upon its return.) To boot, Jake's line got completely wrecked and Derrik's sash had a crack in the safety glass, which the fellow's who came to fix my sash insisted also needed to be taken care of by ES&H regulations, so his line is down as well. For those of you keeping score, that leave two functional Schlenk lines - one of which is only half functional - for 8 lab members. Oh - and the facilities manager who came to check up on the sash progress noticed that some of the clamps we were using to hold the Schlenk lines up were wrapped in asbestos tape, so they were confiscated. Goody goody. Things can only improve from here.

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