October 5, 2007


I walk into Prof. Heller's office to chat about some chemistry that's going on. On the way out I notice that there was a piece of paper with a yellow post-it note lying on the floor. I picked it up and placed it on Prof. Heller's desk. (Or rather, on top of the collection of papers, books, articles, and other things sitting on top of his desk.) An hour later I go in to collect the papers students turned in to him earlier so that I can begin grading them. I notice that the paper I had placed on his desk earlier has fallen off again and is on the floor in front of the door. I pick it up and place it on the desk heap again, this time closer to the center. Several minutes later I walk back into his office to ask a question about the grading scheme I should be using. The paper has again made its way to the floor. I pick it up on my way in and sit down. Prof. Heller looks right at me, picks the paper up off his desk, and throws it to the floor in front of me. I look at him kind of blankly. He explains... "That's a delinquent form that I need to turn in. If I leave it on my desk I'll never remember to do it." He points to the floor in front of the door. "That's the out-box."

1 comment:

Kate said...

well written-- Nate and I both like this one a lot.